SF 62633 Weatherstrip Retianer for Toyota 90467-04034, Pack of 25 Pieces
SF 61479 Honda Front Corner Garnish Molding Clip 91512-SEL-T01, 25pcs
SF 61481 Honda Rear Quarter Panel Pillar Garnish Molding Clip 75615-SFM-003
Swordfish 61482 Honda Hood Prop Rod Holder Clip 90672-SNB-003, 15pcs
Swordfish 61478 Honda Support Rod Holder Clip 90672-SNA-A01, 15pcs
Swordfish 61477 Honda Harness Band Cable Clip 91541-S0A-003, 10 pcs
Swordfish 61476 Honda Weatherstrip Retainer 90651-TP8-003, 91568-TR0-003, 50pcs
Swordfish 62623 Toyota & Honda Weatherstrip Retainer 67867-52010, 91563-SCV-003
Swordfish 62622 Honda Weatherstrip Retainer 67867-12150, 50pcs
Swordfish 61475 Honda Front & Rear Door Weatherstrip Retainer 91530-ST5-003
Swordfish 61474 - Pillar Trim Panel Moulding Clip for HONDA 91561-TVA-A01, 15pcs
SF 61473 - Tailgate Spoiler Moulding Clip for Honda 91513-T6A-003, pack of 15PC
SF 61459 Honda Hood Seal Retainer 91513-SE0-003, 25PCS
SF 61462 Honda Weathstrip Retainer 91568-SR2-003, 100 pcs
SF 61472 Honda Cowl Top Hinge Cover Clip 90602-TK6-A00, 15pcs
SF 68669 Universal Wire Tube Clip OEM 23E81-52055, pack of 25pcs
SF 61443 Honda & Acura Body Side Moulding Clip91501-SG0-003 75328-SH3-A01, 15pcs
SF 61458 Honda & Acura Windshield Moulding Clip 91570-TA5-A01, pack of 25pcs
SF 61456 Honda Weatherstrip Retaining Clip 72311-S5S-003, pack of 25pcs
SF 61455 Honda Upper Quarter Trim Grommet 91637-SE3-003, pack of 25pcs
SF 61454 Honda Tailgate Lower Trim Panel Grommet Clip 91638-SM4-003, 25pcs
SF 61453 Honda Nylon Nut 90505-SD4-003, pack of 25pcs
SF 61452 Honda & Acura Door Panel Retainer 91560-S9A-A01, pack of 25pcs
SF 61451 Honda & Acura Door Trim Panel Retainer 91560-SZ3-003, pack of 15pcs
SF 61449 Honda Nylon Nut 90666-SD9-000, pack of 25pcs
SF 61448 Honda & Acura Hood Insulation Retainer 91501-S1K-003, pack of 25pcs
SF 61447 Honda Door Belt Moulding Clip 90601-SH3-014, pack of 10pcs
SF 61446 Honda & Acura Belt Moulding Clip 91561-S84-A01 91527-SM4-003, 10pcs
SF 61445 Honda & Acura Hood Insulation Retainer 90700-SJ4-000, pack of 15pcs
SF 61457 Honda Body Side Moulding Clip 75305-S0A-003, pack of 10pcs
SF 61444 Honda Screw Grommet 34301-692A-0000, pack of 50pcs
SF 61442 Honda Belt Moulding Clip 91510-SR3-003, pack of 10pcs
SF 61439-Honda Cowl & Garnish Retainer 91501-SEA-003, 25 pcs
SF 61441-Honda Grille Retaining Clip 91504-TBA-A01, 25 PCS
61438 Honda Splash Shield Screw and U nut 90308-SB2-013, 90114-SE0-000, 10 sets
61437 Honda Suspension Nut 90308-SB2-013, package of 25 pieces